
A Guide to Adding a Sitemap to Your Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is a text file that contains instructions to search engines on how to handle your website. You can use this file to tell Googlebot not to index some pages of your website, or you can instruct other search platforms, such as Bing and Yahoo!, to refrain from crawling certain pages.

The robots.txt file should be in the root directory of your server so that anyone visiting it will see it immediately upon loading their web browser (excluding HTTPS). Here is a guide to sitemap robots.

Table of Contents

What is robots.txt?

Robots.txt is a file you can include in your website’s root directory. It tells the search engines what kinds of pages are allowed to crawl and index so they don’t show up when people look for them.

To ensure Google knows not to index certain pages, you need to create a robots.txt file that blocks those URLs from crawling or indexing by Googlebot (the primary search engine bot). This includes links from internal pages and external websites, too!.

So if you have links on your site pointing directly back outwards into another site’s directory (for example, http://example1/, which points directly at http://example2), then those won’t be crawled either since they contain no links inside themselves—they only point back out into another domain without any internal structure whatsoever.

Why should you add a robots.txt file to your website?

Robots.txt is a file that website owners can use to control the crawling of their site by search engines and other web crawlers. Adding a robots.txt file to your website lets you tell Googlebot, Bingbot, and other automated search engine spiders what they should do when they visit your site.

For example, if you want to block all indexing by Google bots (Googlebot is one of the most popular bots), then add this line:

How to add a robots.txt file to your website

To add a robots.txt file to your website, you must be logged into the Google Search Console account that manages your site’s crawling settings. This will allow you access from any computer with internet access as well as being able to sign out from any device when finished making changes via the site’s menu system.

What is a robots.txt file?

A robots.txt file is a text document situated in the base folder of your site and contains rules for how search engines can crawl your site. It’s also known as a “robots meta tag.”

The first line of any robot exclusion file tells search engines which directories they should ignore and where they can’t index pages (e.g., images, JavaScript files). This is called the “exclusion” directive, and it looks like this:


How does this affect my website visitors?

As you can see in the above image, this will significantly help search engines and other web crawlers. This makes it easier for them to crawl your site and determine what content they should index. The page to which you are adding this entry must have a unique URL (not just part of another page).

This means if you have multiple sites on one server, each one needs its own robot rules file – even if they’re subdomains of the same domain!

Why should I use a sitemap for my robots.txt file?

Why should I use a sitemap for my robots.txt file?

  • Sitemaps are an excellent way to ensure that your website is crawlable by search engines, which can aid in elevating its position within search outcomes.
  • A sitemap displays all of the pages on your site and their URLs in one place, making it easy for spiders (bots) to find and index them.

How do I add sitemaps to my robots.txt file?

You can add a sitemap to your robots.txt file by following these steps:

  • Access the document through your textual tool or word application (I recommend Notepad++).
  • Underneath the heading, add an invisible tag between and. For example:

Your Sitemap

  • Save the document and close it.

What are some common error messages?

When you are trying to add a sitemap, there may be some errors that come up. The most common error message is:

  • “Sitemap Found” means the sitemap file has been successfully added to your robots.txt file.
  • “Missing robots.txt” – This means that you have not added your website or blog’s URL in its entirety in the correct location where it belongs in the Robots tab under Settings > Advanced Settings > Robot Exclusion Listing Formatting (for example, http://www-example\.com/sitemap/).

What is the purpose of robots.txt files?

What is the purpose of robots.txt files?

In short, it’s a way for webmasters to tell search engines not to crawl their websites. Robots.txt files can be used in two ways: they can be read by search engines only, or they can also be accessed by other users on the web who are not considered “robots” (or crawlers).

The critical thing here is that practically everyone can access these files now. So, if you have an essential file like a sitemap or index page, it’s best to ensure that only people with legitimate access will see it!

Can I add an empty line in my robots.txt file?

If you have an empty line at the end of your robots.txt file, then it will be ignored by search engines and other spiders.

If you use a tool that lets you edit the contents of this page (such as Notepad++) and add an empty line after the last line with no file extension, then this will work as expected. The syntax used for adding an empty line depends on which tool is used; however, most tools will let users insert new lines into their documents while retaining previous content and formatting.

Next, we’ll explain how to add those sitemaps to your robots.txt file.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of adding a sitemap to your robots.txt file let’s talk about how to add those sitemaps to your robots.txt file.

First, let’s take a look at what our robots.txt file looks like in its current form:

How to add a sitemap to your robots.txt file

To add a sitemap to your Robots.txt file, follow these steps:

  • Launch the document using Notepad or a different textual editing tool. Copy and paste the following code into your robots.txt document:

Sitemaps and Googlebot

You’ll first want to look up the best practices for adding sitemaps to your robots.txt file. This guide will walk through the process and give an example of how it can be done, but there are many different ways to go about it—and we won’t recommend any specific method here (although ours is our preferred method).

The use of sitemaps with Googlebot_Index

A sitemap is a list of all the pages on your site, along with some metadata about each page. Sitemaps are helpful for Googlebot because they allow it to index the contents of your site more efficiently, which helps it crawl through your site faster and gives you a better sense of how popular each page is.

Sitemaps are also helpful for robots using other search engines; they can be used as an indicator that Googlebot_Index may have found what you’re looking for there or not!

Having a sitemap in place is an essential factor when you want to optimize your search engine optimization (SEO).

Having a sitemap in place is an essential factor when you want to optimize your search engine optimization (SEO). When someone searches for something on the internet, they look at each page individually and decide which one to click on based on what they see.

They then click on that link to go to that page in their browser. If no images or other assets are available on that page, the user won’t be able to see anything else about it—they’ll see a blank screen!

If you have multiple URLs pointing back to your homepage, this can cause problems because Google will need to know which pages are most relevant when they’re doing their analysis. A good way around this is to add all URLs from within the robot’s meta tags.

What is a robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file is a simple text file containing instructions for handling your site’s crawl. It’s essentially a list of rules that tell search engine crawlers what they’re allowed to do on your site and where they can’t go.

If you want Googlebot (or another search engine) not to index certain pages on your website, then create a robots.txt file in its root directory with those instructions!

How do I find out where my Sitemap goes?

  • If you’re using a Sitemap tool like Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster, it will tell you where your Sitemap goes.
  • If you have an XML-based sitemap file, the robots.txt will likely include an allow directive (i.e., “Sitemaps”).

Why do I need a sitemap, and what does it mean for my site?

A sitemap is a list of all the pages on your site. It tells search engines like Google the URLs for all your content, making it easier for them to crawl and index your website.

Sitemaps can be used by search engines and users who use tools like Google Search Console or an accessibility plug-in like Siri’s Quick Shortcuts app.

How do I use a sitemap on my site?

To use a sitemap, add it to your robots.txt file. To do this, go to the website where you want to add the Sitemap and open up the source of that page within a textual tool like Notepad or Sublime Text 2. Then copy and paste this code into your root directory:

Adding a sitemap can help you get better search engine rankings.

The main reason why robots.txt files are essential is because they allow you to control the content that users see when they visit your website, which means that Google and other search engines have access to this information as well.

If there’s too much content on your site, it may not be accessible by bots or humans alike—and this could lead them down paths with no reward (or, worse, bad results).

Why do we need a robots.txt file?

Robots.txt is a file that you can use to tell search engines which pages to index and which to ignore.

When someone searches for a keyword, they’ll observe a roster of outcomes correlating with their inquiry. They can click on one of these links or images—but if they do, they’re taken directly to the exact page where you want them to be taken!

Robots.txt helps prevent this by telling search engines not to crawl certain pages or directories (which we’ll discuss later). That way, only relevant content appears in Google searches!

How to add a sitemap to your robots.txt file.

How to add a sitemap to your robots.txt file

To add a sitemap, you’ll need to:

  • Open the robots.txt file in your Web browser and make any changes necessary (as described above). Ensure that the file is saved with the same name as when you created it and that there are no files or folders in its directory tree named “sitemap.” If they’re there, remove them.
  • Navigate back into your document and put some content on each page in an easy-to-read format (like HTML). For example, the Title Body text goes here.

What is a robots.txt file?

A robots.txt file is a text file that contains instructions for how to handle search engine crawlers on your website. In other words, it’s like a gatekeeper for your site and tells bots (like spiders) where they can go and what they can do.

The basic idea behind robots.txt is that you don’t want Googlebot, Bingbot, or any other bot crawling all over your pages to index them properly so that when someone searches for something related to your business or product on Google or Bing, only relevant results will come up instead of having thousands of irrelevant results pop up as well.

How to add a sitemap to your Robots.txt file

To add a sitemap to your Robots.txt file:

  • Load the document in Notepad or a different editing software that supports plain text files. If you’re using Notepad++ or another program, you can use the built-in support for this feature (don’t worry about learning how to do it).
  • Scroll down until you see the line starting with “Sitemaps.” Copy this line and paste it into your browser’s address bar (or whatever browsing method works best for you).

3 ) Then click Enter after adding the URL from Step 2 above and press Enter again. Your new Sitemap should appear!

What is a Sitemap?

A sitemap is a file outlining the pages and files on your site. It’s typically used to help search engines understand how to crawl your website, but it can also be used by users who want to navigate around different parts of the site more quickly.

You may have heard of “robots” before, but what does that mean? A robot is an automated tool (or program) that visits websites on behalf of humans like you or me; they’re often used to perform tasks like gathering information or indexing pages into databases so other people can find them later without needing human assistance.

Why Create a Sitemap?

There are many reasons to add a sitemap to your robots.txt file, but one of the most important is that it allows search platforms such as Google and Bing to navigate your website more efficiently. A sitemap tells search engines exactly what pages on your website exist and where users can view them.

There are many different types of sitemaps:

  • Sitemap Sitemap is the most basic type of Sitemap. It contains URLs for each web page on your site and descriptions about each URL (e.g., what kind of content it contains).
  • Full Sitemap The full version includes additional information about the site, such as meta tags and keyword data; this allows you to get higher rankings in search results if other sites link back with out-of-date content or misspellings/transpositions within them.

How to Add a Sitemap to Your Robots.txt File?

  • Open the Robots file in a text editor.
  • Insert the subsequent string into your robots.txt document:

How to Create an XML Sitemap File?

Now that you know what robots.txt is and how it works, let’s look at the steps to adding a sitemap file to your site.

Let’s start by creating a new folder called “sitemap” in your root directory (or whatever directory you want). You can do this by opening the folder and then dragging the new folder from File Explorer or Finder into your document.

Next, we need to ensure that our newly created sitemap file is named appropriately; this will be required later when we add it to Google Search Console, so make sure it has a .xml extension instead of .html or some other type of extension!

How do I add a sitemap to my robots.txt file?

If you’re looking to add a sitemap to your robots.txt file, you’ll first want to check that it’s there by using an online tool like [this one]( If you’ve done this and found that one must be listed in your site analytics report, go ahead and add one!

How do I use Google’s Page Rank API with my Sitemap?

If you want to use Google’s Page Rank API with your Sitemap, follow these steps:

  • Create a new file called robots-config.xml in the root of your site and add the following line:
  • Add another file called robots-config.txt that contains only this line:

Sitemaps in Google

Sitemaps are a great way to help Google understand which pages on your site are the most important so that it can show users results more quickly. A sitemap allows you to create an index of all the pages on your website, which can be employed by search platforms such as Google and Bing.

If you want your site to appear higher in search results or visitors who come from mobile devices (like tablets) to find what they need without having to scroll through long lists of content, adding a sitemap will make all the difference!

Sitemaps with robots.txt rules

Sitemaps are a great way to ensure search engines and other web crawlers crawl your website. They also help you control which pages users can access so that you can prevent entry to confidential data or unsuitable material on your site.

Robots.txt files allow you to add sitemap rules that tell search engines which URLs should be included in the sitemap file and which ones should be excluded from it (so they don’t appear when requested).

Sitemaps in the wild

Sitemaps are a great way to tell bots what they’re looking for. They can be used to give robots instructions on navigating your site and also help you track which pages are most popular.

If you want your sitemap file published on the web, then there are two ways of doing this:

  • You can use Google Search Console (GSC)
  • You can host it yourself

A good sitemap can help improve the user experience of your website.

A good sitemap will help you quickly find all the pages on your online platform. It can further enhance the visitor’s interaction with your digital domain by simplifying the navigation for visitors to find what they need.

A sitemap lists URLs with their corresponding titles, descriptions, and file sizes (if applicable). If you have ever looked at [Google’s] search results page, you’ve seen them! This is because Google uses a similar structure when listing links back from their results pages.

How to add a sitemap to your robots.txt file.

To add a sitemap to your robots.txt file, you need to have the following:

  • A valid sitemap URL (ex:
  • The path of your site’s root directory (for example: /path/to/)

What you need to know before adding a sitemap.

Before you add a sitemap to your robots.txt file, there are some things you should know:

  • The Sitemap is optional for all sites. You can add it if your website allows users to access pages off of the leading site by entering unique URLs or clicking on links in the footer or other website areas.
  • If this is true for yours, then adding a sitemap would be helpful for search engines that use these types of shortcuts as well as browsers like Google Chrome, which do not support 302 redirects automatically and may need them specifically configured in their advanced settings menu (see below).
  • Robots will only crawl files that are visible to crawlers—so if they don’t see what they’re looking for (i

How to Find the Required Sitemaps?

If you’re not sure how to find the required sitemaps, there are a few ways to do so:

  • Search for the file in your site’s root directory. When you open the Robots Exclusion File ( robots-exclude ), you’ll see it listed.
  • Look through your sitemap files and see which ones have been added. It may take a while before all of them are included, but if you still need to find one, check back later!

Remove Duplicate URLs in a Sitemap File

You might also employ the Robots meta tag to remove duplicate URLs. This is useful if your site has a lot of links pointing to a single page or subdirectory or even just one page. For example, you might have an article where all the links point back to another article on your site.

  • The Robots meta tag allows you to specify multiple URLs or patterns for specific pages on your site (e.g., “articles”). It’s typically used when there are multiple versions of a single page, and it would be helpful for search engines to know which version(s) should be crawled first.*

Why you should add a sitemap to your robots.txt file

Why you should add a sitemap to your robots.txt file

  • It’s essential to have a good sitemap so search engines know what pages they can crawl and index.
  • A well-made sitemap will improve the user experience of your site through:
  • Better crawling performance by reducing the number of requests made by search engines;
  • Improved ranking in search results pages when there is no Flash content (such as videos or animations);
  • Increased usability for mobile users who don’t see Flash content on their devices

How to create a valuable sitemap for Googlebot’s use

Now that you have a list of all the pages on your site, it’s time to create a sitemap for Googlebot. A sitemap is a file that contains information about your website and its pages so that search engines can use it to crawl and index the pages on your site.

The format of this file will vary depending on which search engine you are using, but there are some common elements across all engines:

  • A sitemap should have one root directory (the most critical part) storing all other pages. This should include subdirectories for each section of content on the site, with each subdirectory containing multiple files relevant to that section (e.g., images).
  • The name of this directory should be something obvious like “about” or something related but not too specific if possible; otherwise, Google may see them as duplicates when they try to find them through their crawler program called “Googlebot.” For example,/about would work fine since there is nothing besides links back up from other parts within this directory.
  • Try something like /about/services/contact instead because additional information about services may be available inside those directories! In that manner, all are clear on the precise placement of items without any confusion whatsoever 🙂


To sum up, robots.txt files are essential for the SEO of your website. They can help improve search engine rankings but also have several other uses. If you want to learn more about how sitemaps can help improve your SEO and user experience, check out our guide on adding sitemaps to your robots.txt file!

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